Apples, Apps and FCH | | #fasteners

Article by · 2011/09/16 ·

On a recent vacation, my Blackberry died. Screen turned psychadelic colors on me and, yes, I was sober. It kept vibrating and ringing but I could not see anything, so I had to replace my phone. My sons convinced me to get an I-Phone and I will admit I am very happy with the product. It is so cool.My one son is App savvy. He keeps suggesting new Apps that I might like and I have downloaded a few. Pandora is pretty cool for music. Of course, everyone has some version of Angry Birds, right? Larry Kelly of Buckeye Fasteners passed on a couple others. CardStar lets you download the numbers off all those little plastic keychain things you have for when you go to the grocery store, or Staples or the library. It stores the UPC codes so you can take all those plastic things off of your key chain and ultimately, increase your gas mileage because your […]

via Apples, Apps and FCH.