Worldwide Fastener News, Weekly, Bazibaza
Material Prices – Costs – Market
- Taiwan Steel Output In Q2 Down Over 5% Yea-on-yearr | Economics | FOCUS TAIWAN – CNA ENGLISH NEWS
(…) Meanwhile, the ITIS said the production value of the local screws and metal fasteners business for the second quarter rose 1 percent from a year earlier to NT$31.2 billion. In the same quarter, exports of Taiwan-made screws and metal fasteners fell 1 percent from a year earlier to NT$29 billion, with the average price […]
Material Prices index from several Official Sources : Dowjones, Wire prices German manufacturer association DSV (July 2013), Kitco, Yieh corp…
Products and Services
- Durchflussmesstechnik Und Das Richtige C-Teile-Management – Keller & Kalmbach GmbH – Pressemitteilung
KEM setzt auf maßgeschneiderte Logistiklösung von Keller & Kalmbach KKL2in1 sorgt für Ordnung und eine hohe Bestandssicherheit im Lager (PresseBox) (Unterschleißheim, 30.08.2013) Der Spezialist für Durchflussmesstechnik, KEM, verschlankte vor rund einem halben Jahr seine C-Teile-Beschaffungsprozesse. Für den Standort Bad Kötzting, an dem 55 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt sind, entwickelte Keller & Kalmbach eine maßgeschneiderte Logistiklösung für Verbindungselemente […]
- „EJOT Services Auf Einen Klick“ – EJOT GmbH & Co. KG – Pressemitteilung
EJOT® DELTA CALC „light“ – Online-Prognoseprogramm zur Vorauslegung von Direktverschraubungen in Thermoplaste. (PresseBox) (Bad Berleburg, 27.08.2013) Kunden und deren spezifische Bedürfnisse stehen beim Verbindungstechnik-Spezialisten EJOT traditionell im Mittelpunkt der Vermarktung. Daher ist das Unternehmen mit Stammsitz im westfälischen Bad Berleburg auch das erste und einzige im Markt, das Konstrukteuren und Entwicklern zur Unterstützung Prognoseprogramme für […]
- – Press Release – Tentec Ltd – Tentec Supplies Bolt Tensioning Tools To Wind Turbine Gearbox Manufacturer
A new wind turbine gearbox manufacturing plant in Gainesville, Georgia has purchased a Tentec M42 WTB bolt tensioner system for its production facility. ZF Industries opened its new factory in 2012 and manufactures the Atlas 1 wind turbine gearbox for Vestas. The Tentec M42 Wind Turbine Tensioners provide the production engineers at the plant with […]
- Fiabilisation Des Assemblages Vissés – Cetim – Centre Technique Des Industries Mécaniques
Les assemblages vissés figurent parmi les éléments les plus utilisés dans la construction et la conception de machines agricoles. Cette technique, pour être robuste, nécessite de maîtriser de nombreux paramètres. Il est donc important de comprendre comment ils interagissent entre eux. Cet ouvrage (9Q221) recense les différences entre deux documents de référence dans le domaine […]
- Molded Nylon Special Standard Round Spacers | PDD Net
Micro Plastics (Flippin, AR) has announced a new product line of Special Standard Round Spacers. These tough resilient spacers can be used in a variety of assemblies – useful in electronic and electrical applications, they may also be used as bushings, bearings, rollers, gliders, and bumpers. Features include: (…) via Molded Nylon Special Standard Round […]
- Milwaukee Upgrades M12 Drilling And Fastening Products | Tooling Online
Featuring increased performance and improved ergonomics Milwaukee Tool continues to strive for and deliver best in class solutions with upgrades to several key M12 Drilling and Fastening products. Featuring increased performance and improved ergonomics, Milwaukee will introduce six new drilling and fastening models this year, four of which will begin a transition to replace existing […]
Company Purchase & Investment
no info this week
Market infos and Statistics
- Taiwan Fastener Exports Decrease 1% In Q2 | China Fastener .info
Taiwan fastener exports showed a slight decrease of 1% to NT$29.0 billion in the second quarter of 2013 while import fell 18% to NT$1.0 billion compared with the same period of last year. The average price for fastener exports was NT$78.5/kg, down 3.2% year-on-year.The U.S. and EU remained the two largest consumers of Taiwan’s fasteners. […]
- Marietta Zipper Company Sues Velcro | China Fastener .com
A Marietta-based company is suing Velcro, the well-known fastener for clothing and other items, accusing it of violating its patent for a fastener used by the auto industry. YKK Corp., a major producer of zippers whose parent company is based in Japan, claims in a federal lawsuit filed Monday in Atlanta that Velcro has copied […]
- Taiwanese Rodex Fasteners May Have Better Sales In Q3 – 323676 L Steel Guru
Rodex Fasterens Corporation, one of the major stainless steel fasteners manufacturers in Taiwan, said that the company’s Q3 stainless steel screw orders might grow, driven by the increasing demand from US real estate market. Rodex said that more than 50% of its sales revenues came from the US (…) via Taiwanese Rodex Fasteners may have […]
Institutions Organizations Associations
no info this week
Trade Show – Fair
no info this week
Media – Blog – Audio – Video
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All Companies Infos
NORMA Group erhält Qualitätsauszeichnung von Komatsu in Thailand ‘Wir sind stolz auf diese Auszeichnungen und darauf, dass unser Kunde zufrieden mit unserer Qualität ist’, sagt Werner Deggim, Vorstandsvorsitzender der NORMA Group (DGAP-Media / 28.08.2013 / 09:13) NORMA Group erhält Qualitätsauszeichnung von Komatsu in Thailand Maintal, 28. August 2013 – Die NORMA Group, ein internationaler Markt- […]
- A Fastener Factory In Jiaxing Caught Fire | China Fastener .com
The fire-fighting department in Haiyan, Jiaxing received an alarm at AM 5:10, 27 August that a fastener factory caught fire. The fire-fighting officers hurried to the factory immediately and made the fire under controlled with 10 minutes. The accident led to no casualties. It was the fastener producing workshop that caught fire. Eight machine tools (…) […]
- STANLEY Engineered Fastening Unveils New Internet Presence | Stanley Engineered Fastening
Shelton, CT (August 28, 2013) — STANLEY Engineered Fastening (formerly Emhart Teknologies and Infastech) is proud to announce the launch of its new global website. The new website ( creates an updated brand identity that delivers a fresh visual experience incorporating all of its world renowned brands, POP, Avdel, iForm, Heli-Coil, Dodge, Spiralock, Gripco and […]
- Bossard S1: Résultat Opérationnel En Hausse De 39% à 35,8 Mio CHF (dév.) | Romandie .com
Zoug (awp) – Le spécialiste de techniques d’assemblage Bossard confirme mardi la progression de 24% sur un an des ventes au premier semestre, à 311,5 mio CHF, comme annoncé mi-juillet. Au niveau de la rentabilité, le bénéfice opérationnel (EBIT) s’est étoffé de 39% à 35,8 mio CHF, soit une marge afférente de 11,9%, en hausse […]
- Fry Fastening Systems Hires New E-Commerce/Marketing Professional – Watch List News
Cincinnati, OH, August 23, 2013 –(– Fry Fastening Systems and Nail Gun Depot, their online international branch, has hired a new e-commerce and marketing specialist. Kasi Kinnett will assume marketing and e-commerce responsibilities for the Cincinnati, Ohio based construction tool and fastener company. (…) via Fry Fastening Systems Hires New E-Commerce/Marketing Professional – Watch List […]
- Automobile Parts Maker Sundram Fasteners Banks On US For Growth – Livemint
The firm plans to invest Rs 100 cr and expects an increase in exports to the US will offset slowing demand in India S Bridget Leena and | Arundhati Ramanathan Updated: Fri, Aug 23 2013. 07 22 PM IST Chennai: Sundram Fasteners Ltd, an automobile parts maker, expects an increase in exports to the US will […]

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Daniel Rivalin
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