Worldwide Fastener News, Weekly, Bazibaza
Material Prices – Costs – Market
no specific info this week
Material Prices index from several Official Sources : Dowjones, Wire prices German manufacturer association DSV (February 2013), Kitco, Yieh corp…
Products and Services
- Lück Schrauben Mit Neuentwicklung Erfolgreich |
Mit einer neu entwickelten Sperrzahn-Schraube trat die Gevelsberger Firma Lück Schrauben GmbH bei der „Fastener Fair“ in Stuttgart, der europäischen Leitmesse für die Befestigungs- und Verbindungsindustrie, auf. Insgesamt 811 Aussteller auf über 16.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche waren auf der Messe vertreten. Rund 10.600 Fachbesucher zählten die Veranstalter. Die neu entwickelten Schrauben seien sehr gut angekommen, meinte […]
- Scheibenkupplungen – Kraftübertragung Weltweit | Konstruktions Praxis
Hochwertige Kupplungen können zwar jahrzehntelang problemlos in Betrieb sein, das Wissen, wie eine Scheibenkupplung funktioniert und worin sich verschiedene Kupplungen unterscheiden, ist aber äußerst wertvoll, wenn sichergestellt werden soll, dass bei der Bestellung eines neuen Teils das richtige Design gewählt wird. Scheibenkupplungen werden für viele allgemeine und spezielle Industrieanwendungen verwendet, bei denen eine effiziente Drehmomentübertragung […]
- Sichere Verbindung – Gmünder Tagespost – Nord-Lock
Nord-Lock entwickelt neue Sicherungsscheiben Drei Tage lang traf sich die Verbindungs- und Befestigungsbranche auf der internationalen Fachmesse Fastener Fair in Stuttgart. Die in Westhausen ansässige Nord-Lock Gruppe, ein Marktführer im Bereich Schraubensicherungssysteme, konnte sich unter die Preisträger des Wettbewerbs „Fastener Technology Innovator“ einreihen. Anke Sauter (Marketing) und Nord-Lock-Geschäftsführer Andreas Weiss bei der Preisübergabe durch einen […]
- Neuartige Windtürme Mit Wartungsfreiem Befestigungssystem – Butzkies Stahlbau GmbH – Pressemitteilung – Alcoa
Dauerhaft fest – Schließringbolzen als Alternative zu traditionellen Schraubverbindungen (PresseBox) (Telford (UK)/ Bad Schussenried (GER)/ Krempe (GER), 11.03.2013) . – Sicher: Schließringbolzen von Alcoa Fastening Systems garantieren langfristige Stabilität zu geringen Kosten – Wartungsfrei: Huck® BobTail®-System hält hohen Dauerbelastungen zuverlässig stand Die innovativen Schließringbolzen des globalen Herstellers von Verbindungssystemen Alcoa Fastening Systems (AFS) werden nun […]
Company Purchase & Investment
- New National DC For Hardware And Fasteners Specialist ITW Retail | Transport & Logistics News
ITW Retail Group, Australia’s leading supplier of hardware and fasteners to the retail trade, is building a new high-tech 21,500 sqm national distribution centre (DC) at South Dandenong in Melbourne. With around 7,000 stock keeping units (SKU), including brands such as Zenith, Ramset, Buildex and Pryda, ITW Retail Group products are a popular choice for […]
- Bossard Holding AG : Announces Details Of The Capital Increase In Connection With The Acquisition Of KVT-Fastening | 4-Traders
Press Release Bossard Holding AG announces details of the capital increase in connection with the acquisition of KVT-Fastening Zug, March 12, 2013 – The Bossard Group, specialist in complex fastening solutions, acquired the KVT-Fastening division from KVT Group for about CHF 200 million in November 2012. In order to increase the equity ratio, which fell […]
- (Update) EU Extends Duties On Chinese Stainless Steel Fasteners And Parts To Philippines | China Fastener .info
On March 12, 2013, EU released its circumvention determination on Chinese stainless steel fasteners and parts: The increased imports from Malaysia and Thailand are to a large extent justified by domestic production and these two countries are not engaged in circumvention practices. Therefore, the investigation concerning possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures by imports of certain […]
- COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 205/2013 Of 7 March 2013 | Anti-dumping – Trade .ec .europa
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 205/2013 of 7 March 2013 extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2/2012 on imports of certain stainless steel fasteners and parts thereof originating in the People’s Republic of China to imports of certain stainless steel fasteners consigned from the Philippines, whether declared as originating in […]
- Stainless Tariffs Applied To Philippines But Not Malaysia Or Thailand | Fastener+Fixing
On 12th March the EU published Regulation 205/2013, confirming the outcome of the circumvention investigation on stainless steel fasteners consigned from Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. (…) via Stainless tariffs applied to Philippines but not Malaysia or Thailand.
Market infos and Statistics
- Alsace | Bremgarten, Modèle Allemand De Reconversion D’un Site Militaire – L’Alsace
(…) Harald Kraus et Markus Rieserer ont participé, le 6 février dernier, à l’inauguration de l’unité de production de convecteurs pour l’industrie automobile construite par l’équipentier français ARaymond, qui a investi 15 millions d’euros sur le site et embauché 150 salariés, dont 31 frontaliers français. « Entre le premier contact et l’inauguration, ce projet a […]
- Report: US Adhesives Demand To Rise 2.2% Annually – Global Fastener News – USA
U.S. demand for adhesives and sealants will grow 2.2% per annum to 9.8 billion pounds in 2017, valued at $11.8 billion, according to a new Freedonia report. Gains will be driven by improved outlook for major adhesives and sealants markets such as paper packaging, motor vehicles, and building construction, Adhesives and Sealants finds. “Demand will […]
- TÜV Thüringen Warnt Vor Schlampig Installierten Solaranlagen | OTZ
Erfurt. Nach Einschätzung des TÜV Thüringen ist fast die Hälfte der Solaranlagen im Freistaat nicht fachgerecht installiert. Die Sachverständigen der Prüforganisation stellten bei Inspektionen immer wieder gravierende Mängel an den Anlagen fest, sagte Projektleiter Andreas Dille am Mittwoch in Erfurt.Besonders bei der Kabelverlegung und dem Schutz vor Blitzeinschlägen gebe es Probleme. Schlechte Verschraubungen und unzureichend […]
- Fastener Winners Amid Record Dow Surge – Global Fastener News – USA
The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a record last week, breaking a barrier it had not surpassed since October 2007. On Friday the Dow closed at 14,397.07, capping a week of positive financial news that included Labor Department figures on stronger-than-expected job growth in February, the Associated Press reports. For the year the Dow is […]
- Factory Of The Month: TR Fastenings | The Manufacturer
Tom Moore explores how TR Fastenings has kept the core of its nuts and bolts manufacturing in the UK to maintain a competitive advantage. Humans are born to build, why else would kids instantly reach for Lego as soon as they can move. From huts made of wood, stone and straw thousands of years ago, […]
Institutions Organizations Associations
- 2013 Spring Conference Tabletop Show | March 14-16 | Pac West
Visit with your favorite suppliers and earn about new products and services, while enjoying complimentary refreshments. The show is free to distributors, as long as you register no later than March 1. At-the-door registration for distributors is only $20 per person. Confirmed exhibitors: Porteous Fastener Company (Platinum Partner) Brighton Best International (Gold Partner) Star Stainless […]
Trade Show – Fair
- 2013 Spring Conference Tabletop Show | March 14-16 | Pac West
Visit with your favorite suppliers and earn about new products and services, while enjoying complimentary refreshments. The show is free to distributors, as long as you register no later than March 1. At-the-door registration for distributors is only $20 per person. Confirmed exhibitors: Porteous Fastener Company (Platinum Partner) Brighton Best International (Gold Partner) Star Stainless […]
- Fastener Fair Russia Gets Warm Reviews | Fastener+Fixing
Even bathed in spring sunlight, St. Petersburg in March is pretty chilly, but exhibitor reviews of the first three-day Fastener Fair Russia were distinctly warmer, reports Phil Matten from the Len-Expo Exhibition Center. (…) via Fastener Fair Russia gets warm reviews.
- 2013 Global Fastener Industry CEO Summit To Be Held On 20th, June Instead Of 19th, June | China Fastener .com
“2013 Global Fastener Industry CEO Summit will be moved to 20th, June instead of 19th, June, 2013,” announce by Mr. Yang Junfeng, CEO of today. “As 2013 Five Region Fastener Association Conference confirms to be held on the afternoon of 19th, June at last. (…) via 2013 Global Fastener Industry CEO Summit to be […]
- All American Fastener Show – May 8 And Thursday, May 9, 2013- Kansas City, Missouri
InterContinental Hotel at the Plaza – Kansas City, MO Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9, 2013 Plans for the 2013 All American Fastener Show include our annual Fastener Bash, exhibits from fastener professionals, a NEW Seminar on Social Media & Internet Marketing, as well as a Golf Tournament. Sponsorship Opportunities Available: If you would […]
Media – Blog – Audio – Video
- Fastenerblog .net: Fastener Talk,… Kinda
Just read my March 8 issue of the Kiplinger Letter. According to the letter, the sequester will last through at least September (end of the fiscal year) and maybe into 2014. It also suggests that “a short government shutdown later this month seems in the cards.” These will cause GDP growth to slip a bit […]
All Companies Infos

Free Press Review by Bazibaza Fastener Directories
Week in Review :
I can say, I have travelled through many continents, visited many countries, but I have never been to Russia. Last week took place the Fastener Fair Russia. Few informations yet, a first article and for a few tweets : we are now awaiting eagerly for more report by Phil Matten.
This week is also very special. This is the very first time that the category “Products and Services” is 100% made of news written in GERMAN. An evidence that the marketing on the german market is taken seriously, both by local and international manufacturers. Time to use your favorite translation software!
For translating in your language, you can use Google Translate
Enjoy the reading, enjoy your Week

Daniel Rivalin
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