Worldwide Fastener News, Weekly, Bazibaza
Material Prices – Costs – Market
- China’s Baosteel To Keep April Prices Unchanged | Chinafastener .info
BEIJING, March 12 (Reuters) – Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd said in a notice on Monday that it will keep prices of its major products unchanged in April.
The company raised March prices for hot- and cold-rolled steel by 150 yuan ($23.77) per tonne in anticipation of a seasonal recovery in demand. (…)
via China’s Baosteel […]
Material Prices index from several Official Sources : Dowjones, Wire price DSV (January 2012), Kitco, Yieh corp…
New Products and Services
- Marketing Masters Ascends To Aerospace Stratosphere | The Issaquah Press
The fasteners connecting pieces in each Boeing and Airbus jetliner — a component left unseen by passengers for the most part — originate at a small Issaquah manufacturer. […]
via Marketing Masters ascends to aerospace stratosphere : The Issaquah Press – News, Sports, Classifieds and More in Issaquah, WA.
- Problem Mit Alu-Nieten An Airbus A 380 |
Paris – Nach den Flügeln rückt jetzt die Flugzeugspitze des Riesen-Airbus A 380 ins Visier der europäischen Luftsicherheitsbehörde EASA. Der Hersteller bestätigte Informationen der „Financial Times Deutschland“, nach der ein Vorschlag für eine Sicherheitsanweisung zum Auswechseln von sechs Aluminiumnieten in hochfeste Titannieten an einem Holm an den Flugzeugspitzen vorbereitet wird.[…]
via Paris: Problem mit Alu-Nieten an Airbus […]
- More Changes To ISO 898-1 On The Way | Fastener World Inc.
Author:reference from Fastener & Fixing Magazine, arranged by Fastener World Inc. Class:European News
Dr John Newnham, Fastener Specialist for the Confederation of British Metalforming, foresees significant effects for fastener manufacturers and distributors. Here he explains why he believes fastener companies need to be alert to the implications of the forthcoming revision of ISO 898-1.
The fundamental mechanical […]
- Concealed Rail Fittings & Fasteners | Woodworking Network
Auer-Jordan introduces Full-Round Wall Rail Fittings and Spring Bolt Fasteners, designed to make installing rail easier and faster with totally concealed hardware that requires no plugs. Easy profile alignment reduces blend time plus creates a stronger joint, says the company. Combine Auer-Jordan’s Full Round Wall Rail fittings by combining Auer-Jordan’s extensive line of fitting with […]
Company Purchase & Investment
- Plogsties Announces 2011 Merger With Net Civata | Fastener World Inc.
2012-03-14 Author:reference from Fastener & Fixing Magazine, arranged by Fastener World Inc. Class:European News
Based in Reinbek, Northern Germany, Plogsties GmbH has announced completion of its merger with Turkish screw and bolt manufacturer Net Civata.
After fifteen years co-operation supplying mainly the automotive industry, Plogsties has ventured into a progressive partnership with the Istanbul plant- incorporating more […]
- European Union Increases The Anti-dumping Duty Of Stainless Steel Fastener | Chinafastener .com
As expected, European Union(EU) has announced a sunset review, it has shown that the stainless steel fastener which are made from China and Taiwan has to be charged the anti-dumping duty sustain in the next 5 years, this 2/2012 rule has been valid since 2012-01-07. The sunset review is just considered whether the inherent dumping […]
Market infos and Statistics
- Taiwan’s Major Fastener Makers See 10-20% Revenue Growths This Year | | #fastlink
Taipei, March 16, 2012 (CENS)–Benefiting from a recovering global market for steel products, Taiwan’s major fastener makers have received a bumper crop of contract orders so far and are widely believed to finish this year with revenue growths between 10% and 20%, according to institutional investors.
The investors said that the global market for steel had […]
- Taiwan Fastener Exports Hit Record High In 2011 Due To Redirected EU Orders | Fastener World Inc.
2012-03-08 Class:Fastener
Though Taiwan fastener exports strength in the second half of 2011 weakened, its 2011 full year export volume and value both hit record high. The main reason of the growth is due to the fact that China’s fastener exports to Europe are blocked by the EU’s anti-dumping duty measure ruled against China, and the […]
- Taiwan Fastener Exports To Japan Expected To Grow Due To Post-Disaster Reconstruction Demand | Fastener World Inc.
2012-03-08 Class:Fastener
Taiwan fastener exports to Japan achieved over 64 thousand tons in 2011, up 12% over 2010 with an average price of USD3.407/kg. The results showed that the export volume to Japan did not fall in regard to the 311 earthquakes in Japan last year.(…)
via Professional fasteners and hardware search engine by Fastener World Inc. […]
- Taiwan Fastener Exports To US And Europe In 2012 May Face Variable Factors | Fastener World Inc.
2012-03-08 Class:Fastener
Taiwan’s export orders have dropped for a half year, and currently the situation turns better as industry insiders indicate that the fastener export orders from the US will have a higher growth than Europe. In other words, Taiwan’s fastener export orders will show a different situation in 2012 compared to the strong orders from […]
- Industry News | Fastener Technology International – February/March 2012
Industry News
2012 MWFA Board of Directors Announced The Mid-West Fastener Association (MWFA), Lake Zurich, IL, USA, has announced its Board of Directors for 2012. The new Board of Directors Officers are as follows: (…)
(…) New CD Edition of ASTM Standards
ASTM Standards for Mechanical Fasteners and Related Processes, 3rd Edition, is now available on CD-ROM from […]
- ASTM International Fasteners Committee Elects Salim Brahimi As Chairman | Fastener Technology Editors Report
W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., March 7, 2012—Salim Brahimi, president and principal engineer at IBECA Technologies Corp. in Montreal, Canada, has been elected chairman of ASTM International Committee F16 on Fasteners. The committee, with a membership of more than 200, develops standards for bolts, screws, nails and other fasteners for industrial and government use. A member of […]
- Automotive Fastener Technology | Fastener Technology International – February/March 2012
Automotive Fastener Technology
In 2011, for the first time the Fastener Training Institute ® in conjunction with the Industrial Fasteners Institute (IFI), Independence, OH, USA, offered a new training course—Automotive Fastener Technology.
Because of the overwhelming response to that seminar, this technical two-day course will be offered again in 2012. Automotive Fastener Technology was created to provide […]
Trade Show – Fair
- China Pavilion To Showcase Cost-effective Solutions At Hardware+Tools Middle East | Chinafastener .com
Chinese companies are expected to figure increasingly prominently as providers of cost-effective solutions at the upcoming Hardware+Tools Middle East trade fair, the region’s trading and networking event for the hardware, tools and machinery industries.With the economic outlook for the region looking steady, there is sustained demand for tools and machinery driven by healthy growth rates […]
- FASTTEC’2012 Has Been Held In Moscow, Chinese Exhibitors Are More Than Half | Chinafastener .com
FASTTEC’2012 is opened on Mar.15th in Russia Moscow Sokol Nicky International Exhibition Center, it will last for 3 days. is the only one fastener industrial media in this exhibition, it recommands some good chinese suppliers to the international buyers, and the <ChinaFastener Magazine 11th> is warm welcome! (…)
via FASTTEC’2012 Has Been Held in Moscow, […]
- Taiwan International Fastener Show-News-Over 2,000 Buyers From 70 Countries Gather In Kaohsiung All Eyes On Business Opportunities At 2012 Taiwan Fastener Show
TAITRA, March 13, Kaohsiung The second “Taiwan International Fashioner Show” co-organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council TAITRA and Taiwan Industrial Fastener Institute TIFI has been expanded this year to include 230 exhibitors in 416 booths. The Fastener Show will be held on March 13 and 14 at the Kaohsiung Arena and Hanshin Arena, […]
- Busy Opening Day At Taiwan International Fastener Show | Fastener+Fixing
The second Taiwan International Fastener show opened this morning at the Kaohsiung Arena, reports Fastener + Fixing Editor, Phil Matten. The event, organised jointly by the Taiwan Industrial Fastener Institute and TAITRA, the Taiwan External Trade Council, runs for two days and hosts 230 exhibiting companies in 416 booths.
Space is a problem for the organisers, […]
Media – Blog – Audio – Video
- Download Fastener+Fixing Issue #74 | Fastener+Fixing
Fastener + Fixing Magazine Issue 74 is now available online.
Here are just some of the features and reports:
Masterfix – Mission possible
Phil Matten visits Masterfix, based in Maastricht, the Netherlands, to catch up with the blind fastening specialists.
New developments at Max Mothes
An insight into the recent developments at Max Mothes GmbH.
Delivering consistency
Will Lowry visits […]
- #fastlink Friday, Part 2 | Fastenerblog .net
Posted by Traveling Salesman at 3/15/2012 9:52 PMCategories: uncategorizedLet’s give it another try. Twitter users, check in tomorrow and join in on #fastlink Friday. (…)
via #fastlink Friday, Part 2.
- Editorial | Fastener Technology International – February/March 2012
Manufacturing Rebound
Who says that we can’t make stuff in the USA. Idiots, that’s who. There are many indicators pointing to a continued and resilient rebound in American manufacturing including the following:
• carries an article titled, Heavy Metal Is Back. It cites a huge upswing in domestic manufacturing while presenting Houston, Milwaukee, Seattle, San Antonio […]
All Company Infos

Free Press Review by Bazibaza Fastener Directories
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Week in Review :
Fastener fair Kaohsiung in Taiwan :
That was just a great show.
First, I was happy to be invited to the opening meeting organized by the TFTA on the monday evening (Thanks William!). Eventhough I couldn’t arrived in time to listen to the conference given by Phil Matten, editor of Fastener+Fixing.
I went on the show on the wednesday. Pretty crowded. Located in the same Arena as 2 years ago + an extra hall in the nearby Grand HiLai Hotel (I think, the best hotel in Kaohsiung).
That day went very fast. Met so many people. Many western distributors had sent many buyers (no less than 8 for a famous european one).
Phil Matten, was busy taking pictures, interviewing and at the same time, finalizing the latest issue #74 of Fastener+Fixing now available for download.
This week, Fasttech took place as well in Russia. A busy week for the fastener industry.
Twitter : Second “#fastlink friday”, organized by Traveling Salesman. A little difficult for us to follow as I was in China, where Twitter is banned.
Enough for today, just arrived from a long trip back home
And many other news as usual!
For translating in your language, you can use Google Translate
Enjoy the reading, enjoy your Week
Daniel Rivalin
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