Worldwide Fastener News, Week March 18-24 2013 | Bazibaza

Article by · 2013/03/24 ·

Worldwide Fastener News, Weekly, Bazibaza

Material Prices – Costs – Market


  • Taiwanese Screw Makers Suggest CSC Remain EF Al-killed Wire Rod Prices Unchanged | Yieh Corp Steel Market News
    China Steel Corp. (CSC), the largest carbon steelmaker in Taiwan is going to release its list prices for electric furnace (EF) Al-killed wire rods for April. The Taiwanese screw makers suggested CSC remain the prices unchanged as the raw material prices have dropped these days. If CSC remains its prices for EF Al-killed wire rods […]


Material Prices index from several Official Sources : Dowjones, Wire prices German manufacturer association DSV (February 2013), Kitco, Yieh corp…

Products and Services


  • Fastener System Improves Safety Of Industry | Engineering News
    The X-BT fastener system offers high performance in corrosive environments and is best suited to fastening solutions in the petrochemicals industry, fastening systems manufacturer and supplier Hilti tells Engineering News. However, it is a challenge to convert older-generation specifiers to accept the new fastener technology. (…) via Fastener system improves safety of industry.


  • VALLOFLEX II – Flexibel In Jeder Hinsicht Mit Wenigen Komponenten Kann Jede Situation Am Bau Gemeistert Werden – HaustechnikDialog
    VALLOFLEX II vereint Rund- und Ovalrohr in einem Komplettsystem. Der absolute Clou sind die exakt aufeinander abgestimmten Rohrquerschnitte und die neuartigen Verbindungselemente. So lassen sich Rund- und Ovalrohr in der Strecke beliebig und einfach kombinieren. Selbst am neuen Universalverteiler lassen sich die Ovalrohre ebenso mühelos anschließen wie die Rundrohre. Das schafft größtmögliche Freiräume bei der […]


  • Korrosionsbeständige Verbindungselemente Gegen Ausfallerscheinungen
    Verschleißfeste und korrosionsbeständige Verbindungselemente von MBO Oßwald schaffen Abhilfe gegen Materialschäden, die durch aggressive Medien oder Umgebungsbedingungen entstehen. Um korrosionsbedingte Materialschäden von vornherein auszuschließen, hat Mbo Oßwald eine ganze Palette an korrosionsbeständigen (…) via Korrosionsbeständige Verbindungselemente gegen Ausfallerscheinungen.


  • Prototypenservice Für Kaltumgeformte Verbindungselemente | Konstruktionspraxis
    Seit kurzem bietet Menschel seinen Kunden den Mexpress-Prototypenservice für kaltumgeformte Verbindungselemente in maximal 20 Arbeitstagen an. Auf Wunsch kann es auch deutlich schneller gehen. Gerade in der Entwicklungs- und Projektierungsphase werden oft einige funktionsfähige Prototypen benötigt. Ein teurer Invest in Umformwerkzeuge ist da nicht möglich. Mit dem Mexpress hat Menschel ein interessantes „Rundum-Sorglos-Paket“ parat. Zunächst […]


  • DWFritz Automation Announces New Product Division And Micro Fastener System — WILSONVILLE, Ore., March 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ –
    WILSONVILLE, Ore., March 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – DWFritz Automation Inc., headquartered in Wilsonville, Ore., today announced a new division of the company named DWF Products™. DWF Products was created to serve advanced manufacturing businesses with standardized assembly and automation equipment. (Photo: “We’ve created this new business unit to showcase and deliver our precision technologies to […]


  • The German Company BOGE Kompressoren From Bielefeld Benefits From Innovative RFID-technology – Böllhoff
    Markus Hahn, Purchaser at BOGE, approves: “The RFID-technology provided by Böllhoff is the contemporary alternative to barcode scanning of empty bins”. via ECOSIT® procurement and delivery systems with RFID technology – Böllhoff.


  • Konstruktionsunterstützung Für Direktverschraubungen In Leichtmetall | Konstruktionspraxis
    Als wertvolle Unterstützung bietet Ejot für Konstrukteure und Entwickler Prognoseprogramme für die Vorauslegung von Direktverschraubungen an. Mit diesen Tools können Verschraubungsparameter in Abhängigkeit von Werkstoffen und Konstruktionsparametern berechnet werden. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele belegen, dass mit diesen Programmen bereits während der Entwicklungsphase signifikante Einspareffekte erzielen lassen. Speziell für die Prognose von Direktverschraubungen in Leichtmetalle wurde das neue […]


  • How To Easily Transform Your Fastening Process From Air To Electric | 2013-03-18 | Assembly Magazine
    In today’s industrial manufacturing environment, companies place a premium on process improvement focused on maximizing quality and productivity while minimizing energy consumption and total cost of ownership. When it comes to fastening, Desoutter Industrial Tools has a long history of developing dedicated solutions. Started in 1914 with the invention of a power tool to build […]


Company Purchase & Investment


  • Batesville Employer Acquires Ohio Manufacturer | Inside INdiana Business
    News Release Batesville-based Elgin Fastner Group LLC has completed the acquisition of an Ohio company. Telefast Industries Inc. is a threaded product manufacturer. It is the eighth business to become part of the Elgin Fastner Group. Batesville, IN – Elgin Fastener Group, LLC (EFG) announced it has completed the acquisition of Telefast Industries, Inc., of […]


  • AFT Fasteners Moving To New Headquarters | American Fastener Journal
    03-20-2013 at 11:56 AM Over the last few years AFT Fasteners has grown it’s operation and support by leaps and bounds in order to accommodate our client base and vendors. We noticed that we were already doing really well in some areas but needed to do some tightening up with a number of items on […]


  • Philidas To Close At End Of March | Fastener+Fixing
    Pontefract-based locking nut manufacturer Philidas Limited will close at the end of March 2013, according to administrators Duff & Phelps. (…) via Philidas to close at end of March.


Market infos and Statistics


  • 2012 China’s Metal Fastener Output | China Fastener .info
    China’s metal fastener output rose 10.27% to 5,482,011.18 tons. The top five output provinces were Zhejiang province (1,972,768 tons, down 3.3% year-on-year), Hebei province (1,073,756 tons, up 13.14%), Jiangsu province (482,327 tons, down 0.09%), Sichuan province (468,192 tons) and Shandong province (425,602 tons). (…) via 2012 China’s Metal Fastener Output.


  • Philidas’ Intellectual Property For Sale | Fastener+Fixing
    Following the decision by administrators and now liquidators, Duff & Phelps, that it was not feasible to sell Philidas Limited as a going concern, Glasgow based specialists Metis Partners have been commissioned to market the intellectual property of the self locking nut manufacturer. (…) via Philidas’ Intellectual Property for sale.


  • US Fastener Imports & Exports Both Jump In January | China Fastener .info
    Following two straight months of decline, U.S. fastener exports and imports saw double-digits gains in January. Fastener imports of the U.S. grew 14% to $392,506,899 in January after an 11% drop the previous month. Exports of U.S. fasteners also jumped 16% to $282,250,117 in the same month, bolstered by strengthening demand in Canada and Mexico. […]


  • The Fastener Market In India 2013 – An Overview | Mackbrooks
    This newly and extensively revised overview of the Indian fastener market looks incisively at the economic and business factors most likely to influence fastener demand in India in the coming five years. India continues to offer extraordinary longer term opportunities for fastener businesses, while unquestionably presenting very real shorter term challenges – this report explores […]


  • China’s Fastener Output Reach 6.6 Million Tons In 2012 | China Fastener .com
    By CFM, 2013-3-18 11:35:31 According to the release by China Fastener Industry Association, the total output of China’s fasteners reached 6.6 million tons in 2012, down 2.94% year-on-year. The sales was 65 billion Yuan. The total export was 2.49 million tons in the value of 4.71 billion dollars while the total import was 255,700 […]


  • 2012 US Fastener Exports Jump 9.26% L China Fastener .info
    U.S. fastener exports jumped 9.26% year-on-year to USD 3.3 billion in 2012 while imports rose 10.72% to USD 4.6 billion. U.S. fastener exports to China Mainland reached USD 119 million, down 10.11% compared with the year of 2011. China Mainland was the fourth largest consumer of U.S. fasteners in 2012. U.S. fastener imports from China […]


Institutions Organizations Associations


  • Pac-West 2013 Spring Conference Highlights – YouTube
    Pac-West’s 2013 Spring Conference took place March 13-16 at the Renaissance Hotel in Long Beach, California via Pac-West 2013 Spring Conference Highlights – YouTube.


Trade Show – Fair


  • Pac-West 2013 Spring Conference Highlights – YouTube
    Pac-West’s 2013 Spring Conference took place March 13-16 at the Renaissance Hotel in Long Beach, California via Pac-West 2013 Spring Conference Highlights – YouTube.


  • Fastening Challenges? Bring Your Drawings Or Product Samples For Expert Appraisal | Industry Today
    Engineers – do you have any fastening challenges? Bring your drawings or product samples to FAST Exhibition at The RAF Museum Cosford on 18th April for free expert appraisal. Posted via Industry Today. Are you into it? Follow us on Twitter @IndustryToday The FAST Exhibition is well known for its informal and highly productive roadshow […]


Media – Blog – Audio – Video


  • China Fastener Info Opens Chengdu Office
    Thanks to our clients’ support and trust, China Fastener Info is pleased to announce that our Chengdu office is to open on 26 March 2013, after the establishments of headquarter in Guangzhou and the office in Hangzhou. The official opening of the new office in Chengdu, a western city of fortune, is to help Chinese […]


  • Download The Latest Digital Fastener + Fixing Magazine
    Fastener + Fixing Magazine Issue 80 is now available online. Here are just some of the features and reports: Herbert Knoke – Flying the PROFIX® flag Will Lowry speaks to Herbert Knoke GmbH & Co KG’s general manager – Dieter Hopfeld, about the company’s PROFIX® screw family range and the importance of quality. Fastener Fair Stuttgart report […]


All Companies Infos

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Free Press Review by Bazibaza Fastener Directories

Week in Review :

Latest Fastener+Fixing is available for reading in particular with report on Fastener Fair Stuttgart.

Mackbrooks has released a new report on the fastener market in India.


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Enjoy the reading, enjoy your Week

Daniel Rivalin

Daniel Rivalin

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