Worldwide Fastener News, Weekly, Bazibaza
Material Prices – Costs – Market
- Chung Hung Steel July Price Drops | Fastener World Inc.
2012-06-27 Class:Fastener
Chung Hung Steel Co., Ltd. has announced its product prices for July. The price of hot rolled and cold rolled steel drops NTD350 per ton. The price of (…)
via Professional fasteners and hardware search engine by Fastener World Inc. makes you find screws, nuts, washers, wires, rivets, pins, and other hardware parts swiftly.
Material Prices index from several Official Sources : Dowjones, Wire price DSV (Mai 2012), Kitco, Yieh corp…
New Products and Services
- Automobile : TRW Lance My TRW WebDoc | Autopros
TRW Automotive Distribution France propose aux grossistes My TRW WebDoc, une vitrine en ligne des documentations et supports marketing des marques TRW, Proequip et Gabriel PL. Pour chaque document disponible, la référence à reporter sur le bon de commande est illustrée par un visuel pour faciliter la recherche. Les pros peuvent consulter les dossiers en ligne à partir de leur espace […]
- Norma Group S’ancre Au Bâtiment – Mécanique | Usine Nouvelle
Norma Group lance une gamme sous la marque Serflex destinée au secteur porteur du bâtiment. Des produits de supportage viennent compléter des colliers de serrage pour constituer une offre complète.
Le groupe allemand Norma, plus connu en France sous la marque Serflex, lance une gamme de supportage (colliers, rails, fixation mécanique…). Il s’agit là bien plus […]
- Sequence Recognition System Assures Screw Fastening Conformity., ASG, Div. Of Jerge | News Thomas Net
July 2, 2012 – Designed to prevent defects in products before they are made, Sequence Recognition System monitors fastener tightening sequence and provides feedback to disable/enable tool based on pre-programmed characteristics if proper fastener sequence is not followed. System can discern between fasteners with 0.25 in. center to center distances and greater. When used with […]
- Now Offering Large Head Self Sealing Fasteners For Heavy Duty Applications | PRWeb
ZaGO Manufacturing Company is now offering self-sealing screws with enlarged heads. The enlarged heads achieve full metal-to-metal contact and distribute tightening force over a large area, improving seal performance while reducing comprehensive stress on panels and on the sealing element. RoHS compliant, the fasteners are offered in four types of head style: hex head, socket […]
Company Purchase & Investment
- Wesco Completes Acquisition Of Aircraft Parts Firm | Los Angeles Business Journal
Friday, July 6, 2012
Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc. has completed its acquisition of substantially all of the assets of Interfast Inc.
Interfast is a Toronto distributor of specialty fasteners and other parts to the aerospace, electronics and industrial markets. Wesco, a Valencia aerospace parts supplier, said the deal was paid for with a combination of […]
- Precision Expands Aerostructures – Analyst Blog |
Precision Castparts Corp . ( PCP ) intends to acquire Klune Industries, a manufacturer of complex aluminum, nickel, titanium and steel aerostructures. The all-cash acquisition is expected to be accretive to earnings immediately.
The transaction is expected to be completed by the second quarter of fiscal 2013, subject to regulatory approval. After the completion of the […]
- Milwaukee Manufacturer Plans Expansion | JSOnline
By Tom Daykin of the Journal Sentinel July 2, 2012 7:00 a.m.
Milwaukee cable maker Hellermann Tyton Corp. plans to buy a building on the city’s northwest side, and expand its operations at that location.
The company, now at 7930 N. Faulkner Road, plans to buy and renovate a 92,300-square-foot building at 6701-6711 W. Good Hope Road, and […]
no info this week
Market infos and Statistics
- Overview Of 2011 Fastener Export & Import In Asia | Fastener World Inc.
2012-07-02 Class:Fastener
1. Taiwan
In 2011, Taiwan fastener exports remained the robust performance of 2010, reaching 1.42 million tons, up 11.4% over 2010 and amounting to USD3.97 billion (+23.61%). The top five destinations of Taiwan exports were the US, Germany, Holland, Japan and the UK. The record high export volume growth was mostly due to the increasing […]
- Q2 FINdex – Winners And Losers | China Fastener .info
After a promising start, the FIN Fastener Stock Index dropped off in the second quarter of 2012.
The FINdex declined 14.6% from the beginning of April to the end of June, bested by an index of related industrial stocks, which dipped a comparatively modest 3.4% during the period.
Winners and Losers
All public companies tracked by the FINdex […]
- Japanese Auto Parts Companies Establish Production Bases In Jiangsu Danyang | China Fastener .info
A new vehicle components manufacturing park opened in East China’s Jiangsu province on Monday, the result of a partnership between the Danyang city government and the Japan External Trade Organization, Xinhua News reported.
In total, $600 million has been invested in the Japanese Automobile Parts Industrial Park, which covers 100 hectares, (…)
It’s reported that many invested […]
Institutions Organizations Associations
- Gilchrist Foundation Awards 2012 Scholarships | NFDA – National Fastener Distribution Association
Gilchrist Foundation Awards 2012 Scholarships
The Gilchrist Foundation has awarded four scholarships from the 2012 applicants. Congratulations to the recipients. We wish them well and are pleased to assist them with their education.
They are as follows:
Brittany Moulton, sponsored by Edsco Fasteners of Elba, AL
Jack Nelson, sponsored by FPC Corporation of Waconda, IL
Kyle Strahm, sponsored by Wurth […]
- MWFA Show Should Not Be Missed |
Posted by Traveling Salesman at 7/1/2012 12:44 PM
Chicago is the heart of fastener country. So many manufacturers, importers, distributors all stuffed into one geographic area. When the MWFA holds an event, they have such a large membership that the events turn out great even if they do not draw from other areas. But, they DO […]
- Fastener Training Institute Schedule In The Second Half Of 2012 | Fastener World Inc.
2012-07-05 Class:Fastener
※ July 23-27-Fastener Training Week-Cleveland (CFSTM Classes in Cleveland OH)
※ August 14-Dimensional & Material Specifications (CFSTM Class in La Mirada CA)
※ August 21-Fastener Basics (Class in La Mirada CA)
※ September 11-Fastener Quality Assurance(CFSTM Class in (…)
via Professional fasteners and hardware search engine by Fastener World Inc. makes you find screws, nuts, washers, wires, rivets, […]
Trade Show – Fair
- FAST & IASE Exhibition Focus On Driving The Cost Out Of Fasteners And Assembly | Packaging Europe
After a very successful event in April at the Harrogate Pavilions, the next FAST & IASE Exhibitions take place at the hugely popular and centrally located National Motorcycle Museum on 18th October this year.
The roadshow format of FAST exhibitions has proven a comfortable way of creating conversations between designers and project engineers and their many […]
Media – Blog – Audio – Video
- MWFA Show Should Not Be Missed |
Posted by Traveling Salesman at 7/1/2012 12:44 PM
Chicago is the heart of fastener country. So many manufacturers, importers, distributors all stuffed into one geographic area. When the MWFA holds an event, they have such a large membership that the events turn out great even if they do not draw from other areas. But, they DO […]
All Companies Infos

Free Press Review by Bazibaza Fastener Directories
Week in Review :
One of the first list of top distributors published with sales revenue – by MDM (Modern Distribution Management)
Material prices start to decline in Taiwan, after Baosteel in China.
Traveling Salesman reports about the MFWA fastener show end of june. Looks like it was a nice event.
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Enjoy the reading, enjoy your Week
Daniel Rivalin
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