Worldwide Fastener News, Weekly, Bazibaza
Material Prices – Costs – Market
- China Steel To Cut July-August Local Prices | China Fastener .info
TAIPEI–China Steel Corp. will cut domestic prices for the July-August period by an average of 4.66% compared with June as steelmakers struggle with falling prices and poor demand, said Taiwan’s largest steel producer by revenue on May 30. The local price cuts are in line with current global steel prices and could help to boost […]
- Taiwanese Chung Hung Steel Cuts Coil Exports Prices For July | Yieh Corp Steel Market News
It’s reported that Chung Hung Steel, one of the major carbon steelmakers in Taiwan announced to cut its export prices for hot rolled coils (HRC) and cold rolled coils (CRC) by US$30~US$40/ton for July shipments, affected by weak steel prices in global market. After the adjustment, its prices for HRC and CRC are at US$670/ton […]
Material Prices index from several Official Sources : Dowjones, Wire prices German manufacturer association DSV (Mai 2013), Kitco, Yieh corp…
Products and Services
- Für Sichere Blechverbindungen: Einpressmuttern Und -bolzen – MDS Maschinen- & Werkzeugbau GmbH & Co. KG – Pressemitteilung
(PresseBox) (Regensburg, 06.06.2013) Die Einpresselemente der AUTORIV – Serie von MDS aus Regensburg wurden speziell für die automatisierte Zuführung und das nachträgliche vollautomatische Einpressen der Elemente im Blech entwickelt. Die Verbindungselemente können in vorgelochte Bleche aus Stahl, hochfestem Stahl, Magnesium oder Aluminium eingepresst werden. Die patentierte Geometrie der AUTORIV® Einpresselemente sichert höchste Auspresskräfte und Verdrehmomente […]
- Platers Calculator Mobile App | MacDermid Industrial
MacDermid’s new mobile app is designed to calculate plating times, thicknesses, weight of metal consumed and cathode efficiency. Please note that the results displayed will give the average plating thickness deposited. In addition to plating calculations, the program will also calculate Hull Cell parameters. Technicians will find the app quicker than using reference books and easier […]
- News 2013 : Lisi Automotive Demonstrates Its Expertise Via Its Products Catalogue
LISI AUTOMOTIVE demonstrates its expertise via its products catalogue LISI AUTOMOTIVE presented its new web catalogue of fasteners during a show organised by the CETIM (‘CEntre Technique des Industries Mécaniques’) in Paris. This demonstration enabled the CETIM and its participants to discover how LISI AUTOMOTIVE has developed an online catalogue adapted to its customers, optimised […]
- Optimale Blechverbindungen Erfordern Eine Komplexe Prozessbetrachtung | Bechnet
Eine optimale Verbindung, die die Anforderungen des jeweiligen Einsatzfalles berücksichtigt, setzt bereits im Vorfeld eine komplexe Betrachtungsweise voraus. Da spielen technische Fragen genauso eine Rolle wie die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Verbindung. In diesem Entwicklungsprozess kann der neutrale Blick eines Dienstleisters helfen, die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette zu beleuchten. Bereits bei der Bauteilentwicklung werden Entscheidungen getroffen, die später für […]
- Assemblages Vissés : Un Nouveau Laboratoire Pour La Performance Et L’efficacité – Cetim
Un banc de serrage grande capacité et à haute vitesse, une puissante machine de traction, une panoplie de moyens de mesure des déformations et l’expertise des ingénieurs Cetim : tel est le nouveau cocktail mis en œuvre au sein du laboratoire du Cetim à Saint-Étienne. Objectifs : accompagner les industriels dans la maîtrise et la performance de […]
- ECOSIT® Upgrades With RFID Technology | Fastener+Fixing Technology
Bielefeld based BOGE Kompressoren has recently benefitted from innovative RFID technology incorporated in the Böllhoff ECOSIT® system. Since 2004 BOGE, an international manufacturer of compressors and compressed air systems with more than 100 years experience, has used a multi bin KANBAN system from Böllhoff. The two bin system proved a reliable solution for the last […]
- Heico’s H.I.P. Custom Nail Heads Debuting At Showtime | Furniture Today
Heico’s H.I.P. custom nail heads debuting at Showtime Jay McIntosh — Furniture Today, June 3, 2013 HIGH POINT — Heico Fasteners is introducing a new line of decorative upholstery nails at this week’s Showtime fabric show here that the company says can look like anything a designer can dream up. “From logos to designs, anything […]
Company Purchase & Investment
- Carlson Systems Holdings Acquires Western Tool Supply | Industry Distribution
Omaha, NE ⎯ Carlson Systems Holdings, Inc., a leader in fastening and product assembly systems, announces the completion of their acquisition of Western Tool Supply, a distribution company committed to providing customers with quality products and services primarily for the fastening and construction industries. Western Tool Supply ( was founded in 1982 and has 14 […]
Market infos and Statistics
- Japan Fastener Imports & Exports (Jan-Nov 2012) | China Fastener .info
-Both imports & exports see growth -Exports up 7.9% to 310,000 tons worth 249.2 billion yen -Imports up 2.3% to 215,000 tons worth 67,146.5 billion yen From January to November 2012, Japan fastener imports and exports both saw growth. Export volume increased by 7.9% to 312,969 tons, while export value increased by 8.7% to 249,224 […]
Institutions Organizations Associations
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Trade Show – Fair
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Media – Blog – Audio – Video
- Episode #65 – Printing Progress (81:51) Fully Threaded Radio
Download the MP3 Date: June 3, 2013 By: Fully Threaded Description: Progress comes in many forms, and it seems to be accelerating in exponential fashion. Fastener Tech ’13 is right around the corner, and Team FCH prepares to expound on this and related ideas during their multimedia break-out session at the conference. VP of sales […]
All Companies Infos
- SC To Hold Public Hearing On Tax Breaks For Norma Corporation – News – Voice News
By Jim Bloch, Voice Reporter The NORMA Group on Fred Moore Highway in St. Clair is applying for tax abatements on a $4.76 million investment in machinery and equipment. Photo by JIM BLOCH View and purchase photos The city of St. Clair will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. June 17, during which residents […]
- Alcoa Fastening Systems Van Petty Employees Celebrate National Running Day » Ventura County Star (User Story From M C)
Alcoa Fastening Systems Van Petty Employees celebrate National Running Day by participating in 2 miles walk/jog/run challenge around Newbury Park on Wednesday, June 5th. National Running Day, which is held every year on the first Wednesday in June, is a day for runners everywhere to declare their passion for physical activity. (…) via Alcoa Fastening […]
- Vossloh Said To Weigh Transport Unit Sale Amid Chinese Approach – Businessweek
Vossloh AG (VOS), the world’s largest maker of rail fasteners, is weighing a sale of its transportation division and has been approached by at least one potential Chinese buyer, people familiar with the matter said. The transportation unit, which may be valued at as much as 600 million euros ($787 million), has attracted interest from […]
- Neue Blaue Seiten Von Böllhoff | Konstruktionspraxis
Ihren Klassiker Blaue Seiten stellt die internationale Unternehmensgruppe der Verbindungs- und Montagetechnik Böllhoff mittlerweile in der 12. Auflage vor. Alle technischen Daten und Informationen wurden aktualisiert und entsprechen dem neusten Stand der DIN, ISO und EN. Das Handbuch der Verbindungstechnik „Blaue Seiten” hat sich seit mehr als 18 Jahren als das Nachschlagewerk im Markt für […]
- NORMA Group Awarded For Quality And Reliability Of Supply | Finanz Nachrichten
Maintal, Germany 4 June 2013 – NORMA Group, a global market and technology leader for engineered joining technology, has received the prize for quality and reliability of supply in 2012 by Adolf Wuerth GmbH & Co. KG and Wuerth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG (‘Wuerth’). With this award, the globally leading wholesaler of […]
- Fastenal May Sales Rise 5.3% Year Over Year | Industry Distribution
Winona, MN – Fastenal Companyreleased the numbers for their May sales month, noting that net sales rose 5.3% year over year. Net sales in May of 2013 were $289,440 (Dollar amounts in thousands), up from 274,836 in the same month of 2012. The daily sales were $13,156, up 5.3% from 12,493 in 2012. Commentary on […]
- Rick Rudolph Launches New Rep Company | American Fastener Journal
Longtime fastener industry executive Rick Rudolph has started a manufacturer’s representative company, Rick Rudolph Associates LLC. Based in Melrose, Mass., Rudolph will cover all six New England states and is seeking available lines. Rudolph built a reputation for integrity, (…) via Rick Rudolph launches new Rep company.

Free Press Review by Bazibaza Fastener Directories
Week in Review :
Material prices continues to drop for this summer.
Episode #35 is ready for listening, from Fully Threaded Radio.
This week, Fastener Tech 2013 takes place!
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Enjoy the reading,

Daniel Rivalin
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